Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Hello everyone. Well we're now into summer and I have lost 42 pounds so am on target to be at my goal by October. I read my last post and I did in fact get down my bicycle from off the garage ceiling. The tires do need replacing but I did take it for a ride around the block 4 times. I realized that there are a lot of muscles that are used in bike riding that are not used in walking. I walk 3-4 miles 2-3 times each week and have also started using hand weights in home exercising. I can wear a size 8 jean where I was wearing a 14-16. My brother was encouraged by my weight loss and I gave him some of my weight watchers info and he is now losing weight also. That is so rewarding, to be able to be a motivator for others. I have 29 more pounds to go so wish me luck

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Weight Watchers Forward Ho!

Ok, so here is my latest update. I know it's been a long time coming. After the one week on Atkins I realized that I am not one of those people who can live on a steady diet of protein and low carbs. I lost around 6 pounds and moved back to Weight Watchers, realizing that I would probably see a weight gain (which normally happens after going off Atkins). But to my amazement no weight gain. Since I stayed within my points I saw weight loss. Which got me to thinking that a person could probably switch between the 2 diets....maybe Atkins for a week then Weight Watchers for 2 or 3 weeks then back to Atkins for a week. And no, I'm not doing this. I have stayed on Weight Watchers since going off Atkins and know that for the first time in years I am finally going to make my goal. It feels so good to be in control instead of being controlled by food. I am now one of those who eats to live not lives to eat. I have lost 25 pounds so far since I began and have more to lose. After I lose 5 more pounds I will make my Mother's Day weight loss goal. Then onward to lose 40 more pounds by the middle of October (my birthday falls in October). At that point I will be at my goal. I am not one of those who freaks out about points; I don't overthink it. Consistency is the key and staying on course. I don't do Weight Watchers perfectly but what I do is perfect for me. I try to walk several times a week. My bicycle has been hanging upside down from hooks in the ceiling of my garage for years. A momento of earlier days when my life was a lot more fit. But you know, I plan on getting my 10-speed down from the ceiling real soon and cleaning it up and checking the tires (which probably will need replacing) and getting on that bike and start riding again. Life is more exciting when you have the energy to go out and enjoy it. I hope in the end to be an encouragement to others. Pictures will come soon. Go out and enjoy the day! God Bless!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

It's Kick Off Time

So tomorrow is my "kick off" day. Starting tomorrow on the road to healthful living. My goal is to lose as much weight as possible by Mother's Day May 11th. I've been debating between low-fat, low-carb and Weight Watchers. So tomorrow it's a toss up on what I will pick. But right now I'm leaning toward low carb. I know I have way too much sugar in my diet so low carb will help with wean myself from my sugar habits. Also I have a condition called Tinea Versicolor and read that carbohydrates and sugar seem to aggravate this condition. And my life-long love affair with coca-cola (also pepsi) has not served me well. My problem is I'm not a huge meat lover and with all the recent news about the meat processing plant in California...well, that pretty much sealed the coffin on red meat. I plan on eating a diet of chicken, fish, eggs, cheese and such along with veggies. I hope this plan will prove successful. If I really feel the craving for beef then I hope to find a Kosher deli and will go there to purchase meat. I haven't weighed yet today so I have no idea what my starting weight is. I figure it is around 196-199. So tomorrow will be a time of adjustment and getting used to a sugar free lifestyle.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Hump Day

Wednesday..hump day..which kinda parallels life in a way. There are peaks and valleys along this road of life. Everyone wants to be on top where the sun is shining and we feel the warm breeze on our face. But what makes life exciting are the valleys along the way that show us how strong we are or how weak we are. And we grow. The low points in life are hard no doubt. But looking back it's the valleys of life where I truly learned what life is all about.

So today I have made some progress in making lasting changes in my health. I have lost around 5 pounds in the last 2 weeks following Weight Watcher principles. In the future I will put before and after pictures and hopefully this will encourage others. But for now, it's just me working through this thing, this obstacle that has been before me for so long. Promises have been made to my daughter and promises will be kept. My goal is to have 30 pounds shed by Mother's Day; a present for my daughter. They say you should lose weight for yourself. I agree that in most cases this would be true. But I have been carrying this weight for so long; it represents so many things. This weight that keeps me from moving on in life. Mother's Day is May 11th so I got 25 more pounds to go and hopefully will lose even more than that. Wish me luck!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Change Starts With The First Step

So my first post of my first ever blog. Hopefully this will be a rewarding experience. Change..we'll that's what I'm hoping for. Changing for the better and becoming a more physically fit and healthy individual. I've got weight to lose and a journey ahead that will take me who knows where. But I finally decided that I'm tired of having to think about the consequences of indulging myself, knowing that if I can get to a healthy weight that will no longer be an issue. The catalyst that started this all is my weight but as my blog states "It's Never Too Late" and that entails so many things. So there will be thoughts to ponder, recipes to share, helpful ideas and things learned along the way. Welcome and come back often.